Download Smokin’ Guns
Download Smokin’ Guns

It was originally developed by a team known as Iron Claw Interactive. About Smokin' Guns The Smokin' Guns game started its life under the name of Western Quake.

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And to increase the feeling of a "gunslingers atmosphere" we also created music tracks and sounds adapted to this time period. It also includes new gametypes and maps inspired mostly by movies. This total conversion includes completely new weapons created with historically correct information about damage, rate of fire, reload time, etc.

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Smokin' Guns is intended to be a semi-realistic simulation of the "Old West's" great atmosphere & was developed on Id Software's Quake III Arena Engine. 📕🐧"A libre FPS game on a Spaghetti Western theme, where players compete with pistol, rifle or dynamite"🐧📕 An open sourced, total conversion of id Software's Quake III Arena. Gordon ): The Project: 🐝️ Related ] ] - ] ] ] ] 📦️ Misc. A repository with a copy of the binary: 🛠️ Technical informations ] 🐘 Social (Smokin’ Guns) Devs ( Smokin' Guns Team 1 2 ): (202xxx) 2(202xxx)] (ioQuake3) Devs ( The ioquake Group ): (ioQuake3) Devs ( Ryan C.Celles qui sont les plus performantes s'acquièrent via les primes obtenues à l'issue d'affrontements, et se perdent à l'élimination du joueur. Il offre plusieurs modes de jeux (Duel, Braquage de banque, Match à mort, Match en équipes) et des armes au fonctionnement réaliste (dommage, cadence, chargement. Un FPS solo (IAs) / multi, libre et multi-plateforme sur le thème des Western spaghetti, où les joueurs s'affrontent au pistolet, fusil ou dynamite sur des décors et bandes sons (Ennio Morricone) rappelant les films de Sergio Leone.

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The best performing weapons are acquired through bonuses obtained after fighting, and are lost when the player is eliminated. It offers several game modes (Duel, Bank Robbery, Death Match, Team Match) and realistic weapons (damage, pace, loading. A libre, multi-platform SP (IAs) / MP FPS game, on a Spaghetti Western theme, where players compete with pistol, rifle or dynamite on maps and soundtracks (Ennio Morricone) reminiscent of Sergio Leone's movies.

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